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5 signs you should switch to a cloud MIS NOW

5 signs you should switch to a cloud MIS NOW

/ Joanna Grimbley-Smith

Switching from SIMS to a cloud-based MIS can feel like a daunting process. And if you’re waiting for your SIMS contract to end, are put off by the legal situation regarding data migration (you shouldn’t be), or are simply not sure if you need to switch just yet, it’s easy to put the move off to another day.  

However, it’s actually recommended that you move from your server-based MIS to a cloud system as soon as possible so you can start reaping the benefits of a modern MIS now, and ditch the problems associated with an on-premises system.  

Thankfully, moving right now is possible with the Bromcom Buy Back scheme: you can leave your current MIS and finance system contract at any time and we’ll ‘buy back’ your current contract. In the extremely unlikely event ESS takes action against a SIMS school switching to Bromcom, we will cover the legal costs for you.  

Still not convinced you really need to switch now? To help you determine when the time is right to make the move, I’m going to share the five critical signs that you need to upgrade to a cloud MIS.  

1. You’ve received a warning that your server is approaching end of life 

In case you aren’t an IT expert, when your server reaches ‘end of life’ it means that the product will no longer receive support, such as security updates and maintenance, from its provider. As stated by the Government regarding servers used in education establishments, you must replace servers when they approach end of warranty, end of support, or end of life.  

So, when you receive your next EOL warning, you should consider whether you want to stick with your on-premises system and replace your servers, or move to a cloud MIS. If you do decide to go with the former, this will come with a significant cost that will likely be far higher than the one-off startup costs of a cloud-based system. And given servers last around three to five years, replacing the hardware is a considerable commitment to your current, out-of-date MIS. 


2. You’re worried about the cybersecurity risks associated with servers 

Cloud-based systems are far more secure than server-based systems. On-premises servers require both traditional in-house security and cybersecurity which makes for a lot of work for your IT team. These measures can also come with high costs.  

A cloud MIS, on the other hand, has security updates applied automatically by your MIS provider. Not only that, the system providers take care of their data centres themselves, so you won’t have to do anything to keep your MIS data secure.  


3. You need to cut your costs 

With school budgets tighter than ever, switching to a cloud-based MIS is an easy way to lower your costs. Without the licencing costs and support required for server-based systems, a cloud-based MIS could be up to 30% cheaper than your current system. Ditching servers can even lead to savings on your energy bill. 

Lots of cloud MIS providers offer a much more comprehensive range of functionality compared to legacy software suppliers, too. With all the features you need in one place, you won’t need to fork out for third-party apps, such as online payment systems or parent communication tools, resulting in significant cost savings.  


4. Your staff are struggling with too many third-party apps 

School staff are already facing excessive workloads; having them use multiple different systems with contrasting functionality throughout the day can easily lead to cognitive overload, affecting not only their standard of work but also their wellbeing.  

Forgetting how to use a third-party app properly or following procedures incorrectly can lead to inefficiencies and errors that might have significant consequences, as well. 


5. The Government recommends you use a cloud MIS 

As set out by the Government Cloud First policy, the Government recommends that you use an MIS which is cloud-based, namely because it can prevent cyber-attacks and protect your data. 

It also argues that moving your school’s systems and services to the cloud can improve efficiency in your school, reduce costs, and make it easier to access applications and content (i.e. apps can be updated automatically, and files and data are far less likely to be lost than on a server-based system). 

Learn more about switching to a cloud-based system 

To find out more about moving from SIMS to Bromcom’s cloud MIS, book a discovery call with our team. If you want to learn about our Buy Back scheme and how you can switch to Bromcom today, click here 

Joanna Grimbley-Smith

Joanna Grimbley-Smith