While lots of schools are using the cloud to an extent, such as switching to some cloud-based systems, like a cloud MIS, many still rely on a central server, usually on the premises, and haven’t fully committed to the cloud. So, in this blog I’m going to explain what the cloud is in layman’s terms and explore the full benefits of moving your school to it.
What does moving to the cloud actually mean?
The cloud refers to all systems and services that are hosted and managed online instead of locally in your school, such as on on-premises servers. The data is stored on remote servers and can be accessed via the internet. That means you can use a system or server from anywhere, from any device, so long as you have an internet connection.
There are lots of cloud-based services and solutions available that you may already be using or should consider switching to including communication tools like Microsoft Teams, collaborative versions of office applications like Google Workspace or Office 365, specialist systems like MIS or finance systems, back office systems like document storage and backup systems, and online school servers that can be entirely managed over the internet.
You don’t have to either be fully on the cloud or host everything on a central server: most schools have a hybrid approach where they have a mixture of cloud and locally hosted systems. When you do move to the cloud, it can be a gradual process that’s carried out system-by-system.
The benefits of moving to the cloud
It reduces your costs
Cloud-based systems and services offer schools a number of opportunities to save money. This includes lower licence costs as many cloud services are much cheaper than services run on on-premises servers or even free to use, and saving on the energy and maintenance costs required for servers.
Cloud vendors also often offer pay-as-you-go pricing models so you only pay or what you use. Alternatively, annual subscriptions are usually available which can help with your financial planning.
You won’t need to replace servers and other hardware as they reach end of life, either, which can amount to significant costs. Plus, without a server to maintain, you won’t need so many IT staff on hand to manage it.
It improves your school’s efficiency
The main benefit of cloud-based systems is that staff can work from anywhere on their preferred devices, including from home or on-the-go around the school, enabling them to work as they like. It’s easier and quicker to access school data and applications, too, so everyday processes run a lot smoother.
Cloud-based systems enable easier collaboration among staff, as well, as they can share and work on documents, files, and content simultaneously, and easily communicate with each other. This not only makes staff workload lighter but streamlines tasks where collaboration is required or beneficial.
It offers greater resilience and disaster recovery
Cloud-based systems aren’t completely immune to data loss or security breaches, but they do enable schools to quickly recover from cyberattacks thanks to secure data backups, enabling them to get back up and running in no time.
The systems can also be enhanced with a range of security services, such as cloud-based vaults that offer a number of protections including firewalls, encryption, and access control.
Want to learn more about moving to the cloud?
While changing systems can be daunting, switching to cloud-based systems, like a cloud MIS, is a lot easier than you think and offers a huge number of benefits. You can learn more about why you should switch to a cloud MIS like Bromcom’s in this blog.