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3 local authority challenges Vision can solve

3 local authority challenges Vision can solve

/ Joanna Grimbley-Smith

Local authorities are currently facing a number of challenges when it comes to their schools including poor attendance, teacher shortages, and a mental health crisis among students. While there’s no silver bullet for any of these issues, better insights into them can enable the more effective, prompt decision making required to alleviate them. That’s where Bromcom Vision comes in.

Vision is a central data hub that pulls together live data from all local authority’s or multi-academy trust’s schools, and allows users to analyse the data. It also comes with a range of central management tools they can use to roll out policies and protocols for their schools from one platform. Your schools don’t all need to be on Bromcom MIS for you to use Vision, either; it can pull data from any system.

A number of trusts and LAs from across the country use and benefit from Vision including Leigh Academies Trust and Coronium Academies Trust. But in this blog, I’ll be exploring the key challenges Vision can help LAs tackle.

1. Poor insights and reporting

Currently, many LAs are struggling to get access to high-quality data and insights from all their schools. They typically rely on costly, custom-built systems that can only generate static reports instead of the live information required for effective and timely decision making. The staff at their schools also spend a lot of time doing manual work to provide this data to the central team, whether that’s filling in forms or sharing their information over the phone. As with any manual task, there’s room for error, too.

Vision automatically pulls live data directly from your schools’ MIS, giving you a highly accurate, up-to-date overview of all your schools. And thanks to built-in analytics, probing the data and assessing KPIs like attendance and behaviour has never been easier. You can even compare individual schools to the cohort, or all your schools to the national averages to better monitor progress and performance. You can drill down into individual schools, as well, to deep dive their data.

Perhaps its most unique feature, however, is its integration with Power BI. This enables users to query their database with an automated feed, and create custom dashboards of key visualisations and KPIs they want to keep an eye on.

Crucially, Vision empowers LAs to get instant, hyper-relevant insights into all their schools instead of the out-of-date information they’re used to.


2. Budget constraints

Vision is helping MATs and LAs cut costs by enabling them to do away with their expensive third-party systems that collate and analyse data, and disseminate their central team’s policy. Our solution, on the other hand, combines all this functionality in one platform.

It reduces the admin burden at the school-level and LA-level, too, with no need for anyone to find and provide the data, or waste time moving between different systems to gather insights and execute decisions. Vision can considerably free up people’s workload across your schools and central team.

Of course, if all your schools switched to Bromcom MIS, there’d be even more opportunity for cost savings thanks to its comprehensive functionality that allows schools to get rid of their third-party apps!


3. Rolling out timely and effective decisions

If you’re currently relying on non-live data for insights into your schools, your decisions will likely be out of date and not as optimal as they could be. Vision not only delivers the information that makes decision making far more prompt and closer to your different schools’ needs, it provides users with the central management tools to action these decisions and set protocols easily. For example, you can:

  • Standardise your schools’ MIS, like roles and permissions and staff absence codes
  • Set objectives for your schools
  • Create assessment templates for all your schools to use

The ability to better understand and respond to issues quickly is particularly important given LAs, trusts, and schools are facing a range of new problems since the pandemic. Vision’s suite of tools can put you in the best position to respond to new problems as they arise.

Could Vision benefit your LA?

To learn more about Vision and what it could do for you, book a discovery call with our team.

You can find out more about how Vision works and its capabilities in this blog, and why MATs and LAs love the solution here.

Joanna Grimbley-Smith

Joanna Grimbley-Smith