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Thinking about switching to a cloud MIS? Here’s how to get started

Thinking about switching to a cloud MIS? Here’s how to get started

/ Dan Sears

With hundreds of schools switching from SIMS every year, it’s likely that you’re considering upgrading to a cloud MIS, too. Of course, switching MIS can seem a daunting process, particularly if you’ve always been with one provider and don’t know much about the different MIS suppliers out there. And making sure you choose the right one is important – you don’t want to be stumped with a system that’s not quite right for your school and have to switch again when your contract’s up.

But finding a cloud MIS can actually be a relatively easy, quick process. It’s pretty exciting once you find out what all these other providers can offer you compared to your current system!

If you’re not sure how to start your journey to a cloud MIS, here’s a brief guide to how to choose the right cloud MIS for your school. In this blog, you’ll find the steps we recommend you take when looking into new MIS suppliers and what you should consider at each stage.

1. Review your current MIS

Before you even think about looking at other MIS providers, you’ve got to look at your own. You need to reflect on the reasons why you want to leave your current supplier, for example, if there are any specific issues you don’t want to put up with anymore or if you’re tired of all your third-party apps and just would like all the functionality in one MIS.

Open this conversation up to your colleagues to find out what they do and don’t want in an MIS. You should keep this dialogue open throughout the entire process, but it’s probably most important to get their input at this stage.

If you don’t have any qualms with your current MIS supplier, we still recommend that you at least take a look at what other suppliers are out there. Even if you feel like there’s nothing wrong with your current system, you will find a cloud MIS that’s better.

Don’t forget to figure out what you do like about your current MIS so you can prioritise this in your search. For instance, are there any features or functionality you want to prioritise in a new system? Or maybe you and your colleagues like the interface and usability, and want a system that feels familiar?


2. Research other providers

Now you’ve figured out what you’re looking for, it’s time to do some window shopping. You might already have a pretty good knowledge of the different MIS providers out there, but if you don’t, the best place to start is by speaking to other schools and school leaders in your local area to see what they use (and if they like it). Your staff may have used other systems, too, so make sure you ask them as well. Some school leaders might even let you have a look at their MIS so you can see it for yourself!

While speaking to different MIS users firsthand is very useful, don’t forget to look up cloud MIS suppliers on Google to see who else is out there. Even if your bursar has heard great things about one provider and is dead set on switching to them, for example, it’s always good to keep your options open in case there’s a system that’s a little bit more suited to your needs.

You’ll ideally want to have a selection of three or more systems to to begin with. By the later stages, we find schools then whittle it down to two providers. Don’t forget to specifically research an MIS provider for your type of school; some suppliers produce systems best suited to independent schools or primary schools, for example.


3. Deep dive your shortlist

Next, you should find out which of the MIS providers you’re considering can fully satisfy your needs and wants. Most of the information regarding their systems’ functionality and benefits will be well detailed on their websites and in their brochures, but it’s important that you have demonstrations (or “demos”) with each supplier, too.

In a demo, you’ll get to see the MIS in action as well as learn more about its features and its usability. There will also be time to ask questions during the demo so you can discuss any queries or concerns.

At Bromcom, we know how important it is for you and your colleagues to get a good look at your potential future MIS, so we are always happy to provide you with as many demos as you want. Whether you want an overview of the system, a deep-dive into a few modules or a specific area, or would rather lead the demo yourself and tell us what you would like to see, we’ll oblige. We can even come to your school and do an in-person demo!


4. Compare your options

The shortlisted providers will then send you proposals and quotes for their solutions. This bit should be quite straightforward: just compare the different suppliers based on functionality, benefits, offerings, support, maintenance, and price as well as anything else that matters to you.

To make sure you pick the right MIS, check out their reviews and ask schools that use them if they’d recommend the system, if you haven’t already. Of course, if you’re still torn over who to go with, don’t be afraid to ask the shortlisted providers lots of questions to help you figure out who’s right for you.


5. Make a decision

You should finally be ready to make your choice! If you’re not sure you’re ready to switch to a cloud MIS, that’s okay. We recommend you move to a cloud MIS as soon as possible so you can unlock all the benefits , avoid getting locked into another contract with SIMS, and make sure you have a smooth implementation process given so many other schools will be trying to switch soon. But even if you don’t go ahead with anyone just yet, you’ll have a good awareness of the MIS market and will know which MIS to switch to when the time is right.

Ready to start exploring your MIS options?

Begin by booking your discovery call with Bromcom! We offer a wide range of solutions for schools, from MIS to finance systems, as well as solutions for multi-academy trusts and local authorities.

You can learn more about the process of switching to a cloud MIS – and what a timeline for switching looks like – in this blog. To help you determine if it’s time for your school to switch, check out our blog on the five signs you should move to a cloud MIS now.

Dan Sears

Dan Sears