Education South West MAT streamlined data with Bromcom cloud MIS for schools

Streamlining Data Management: Education South West MATs Success Story 


Education South West MAT prides itself on educating children so they can lead great lives. It is a fast-growing network of 13 schools, including seven primary schools, four secondary schools and a technical college, with two more schools due to join them this year. Rob Skeggs (Data Analytics and Reporting Manager) is part of the central data team, responsible for managing school and business-related data that serves 6000 students and approximately 1000 staff. Last summer the MAT moved to Bromcom as their new Management Information System (MIS) supplier. 

 The challenge 

The previous MIS provided limited options for visualizing and analysing data, which made it challenging to provide stakeholders with accurate and timely data in a usable format. The MAT had to use various sources of data to provide relevant dashboards to different stakeholders, which was time-consuming and cumbersome. 

Education South West needed a system that could consolidate all third-party MIS products to provide a centralised platform for data analysis and reporting. Before implementing Bromcom, schools were using different third-party products to manage different aspects of school management such as attendance tracking, behaviour monitoring, and homework management. The use of multiple systems made it difficult to collate data, compare and analyse it, and made the process of managing and maintaining the different systems more complicated. 


Education South West chose Bromcom as their new MIS for two main reasons: the availability of data within one system and various methods of visualising the data. Bromcom provides inbuilt dashboards for attendance, safeguarding, and behaviour, which are accessible to all relevant school leaders and tutors. The MAT also utilises the Power BI feed and the Vision product to consolidate information into trust dashboards, providing usable formats for trust leaders. At MAT level they can now access live data easily and manipulate it in a quick and standardised format across all schools.  

Bromcom provided a single, cloud-based solution that integrated all the different aspects of school management into one system. This allows schools to access all the information they needed in one place, making it easier to manage and maintain the data. Teachers and administrators can easily access data on attendance, behaviour, homework, and seating plans, which makes it easier to track student progress and place interventions when necessary. 

"The implementation of Bromcom MIS has enabled schools to streamline their data management processes and access real-time data with ease. This has enabled them to make more informed decisions, identify areas of strength and weakness, and share best practices more easily."


Education South West has seen a significant improvement in the availability of data and its accessibility across all stakeholders. They have been able to provide live data to all relevant parties, enabling them to intervene and provide timely interventions where necessary. They have also been able to standardize behaviour codes across all schools, allowing trust-wide analysis and identifying areas of strength and concern.  

Since implementing Bromcom MIS, schools have seen a significant reduction in the time and resources needed to manage data. They no longer need to produce attendance spreadsheets or manually manipulate data to analyse trends. The Bromcom system provides live dashboards that enable schools to access real-time data and make informed decisions quickly. 

The integration of different aspects of school management into one system has also made it easier for schools to identify trends and share best practices. Bromcom system allows for easy comparison of attendance and behaviour data between classes and subjects, enabling schools to identify areas of strength and weakness. 

Next steps 

Moving forward, Rob Skeggs and the team plan to continue developing its Power BI dashboards and work with other Bromcom schools to learn from their experiences. With Bromcom, Education South West can improve internal processes and provide a standardised set of reports in a live touch-of-a-button format that is easy for everyone to use. 

Looking ahead, with Bromcom Rob Skeggs plans are to empower senior members of school boards to have limited access to the system, so they can interrogate the data themselves. This will enable schools to identify trends and issues in a timely manner and share best practices more easily. 

"Availability of data has been amazing, for the three recent inspections."

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