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What is a cloud MIS?

What is a cloud MIS?

/ Joanna Grimbley-Smith

With so many schools, trusts, and local authorities switching to cloud-based MIS over the past few years, you’re probably wondering what a cloud MIS actually is, what makes it different from a traditional MIS like SIMS, and why everyone’s moving to one.

So, in this blog, I’m going to explain in simple terms what a cloud MIS and how it works, as well as what the differences between a traditional, server-based system and a cloud-based system are.

What is a cloud-based MIS? 

Let’s start with the basics. An MIS, or management information system, is a platform that brings all your school’s data together and helps staff carry out their tasks, from enabling teachers to take registers to helping office staff analyse critical information. 

Traditional MIS, like SIMS, run on on-premises servers stored on-site at a school. Cloud MIS, like Bromcom, run on servers that that can be accessed via the internet. The servers are located in data centres around the world, and are maintained and managed for you by your system provider. 


How does a cloud MIS work?

‘The cloud’ might sound like a complex technical term, but you probably already use a number of cloud applications every day, like streaming services or social media apps. You can access your data on those apps from anywhere with any device, so long as you have an internet connection. If you lost your phone, for example, you could easily log in to these apps on another and access all the data you had in the apps on the lost device.

That’s exactly how a cloud-based MIS works. You get the same capabilities as a traditional MIS, but you don’t have to be on-site at your desk using your computer to access the system. You can work from home or use it on the move around the school on different devices, for instance. Of course, this isn’t the only benefit of switching to cloud MIS – we’ll get to the rest of them later.


The disadvantages of server-based MIS

It might not sound like there’s that much difference between a cloud and server-based MIS. But crucially, server-based MIS have very limited functionality and poor performance when compared to cloud MIS, and come with much higher costs.

1. Traditional MIS are clunky and outdated

We often hear from our customers that server-based MIS are slow and hard to use. Some school leaders have informed us that the software is very unintuitive and that you often have to relearn how to carry out specific tasks with the MIS, even if you’ve been using it for years!

Slow technology will weigh down your staff’s efficiency, as will them wasting time trying to figure out how to use the system.

2. On-site servers are expensive

Server maintenance costs and replacement don’t come cheap. With a cloud-based MIS, however, you won’t have to fork out for either; your servers will be taken care of for you. Upfront costs are substantially lower with cloud MIS, too, as you don’t need to stump up for new servers.

3. Server-based systems come with security risks

On-site servers require in-house security and cybersecurity which is both expensive and a lot of work for your IT team. With a cloud MIS, on the other hand, security updates are made automatically by your MIS provider so you can be sure your system will always be protected. The servers in the data centres will be taken care by your system providers, too.

4. Traditional MIS have limited functionality

Schools using traditional MIS usually have to rely on different third-party apps to ensure they can carry out all of their tasks, such as communicating with parents and monitoring safeguarding issues.

The integration of server-based MIS with management tools is particularly poor, making switching between them and the MIS slow and difficult.


The advantages of a cloud MIS

1. They have far more capabilities than server-based systems

Modern MIS typically come with a much wider range of features and are regularly updated to enhance their capabilities and functionality. Take Bromcom’s One-Stop Shop solution: you get all the functionality you need in one place including a Student Portal and Parent Portal, Safeguarding, and Advanced Reporting and Analytics. This means you no longer need third-party apps which can be costly, nor multiple logins for multiple systems.

The cloud offers more space and much better storage than on-premises servers, as well, enabling software and applications to run faster, and supporting the vast functionality of the systems.

2. Cloud MIS will give your team access to higher quality insights

By consolidating all your data in one system, including behaviour, attainment, and parent communications, school leaders will be able to access a more holistic view of their school. Not only that, cloud-based systems allow easier sharing, analysing, and aggregating of data across schools through better integration and standardisation.

3. Updates are quick and there’s minimal downtime

Just like how your server’s and cybersecurity will be taken care of by your system provider, any updates to their technology will be their job, too. But with the cloud, updates will happen automatically and there won’t be any downtime. And if a server fails, you won’t have to worry about any data being lost or downtime.

4. You can go paperless with a cloud-based system

By enabling you to receive and send out information via the internet, you no longer need to print out information and store it safely. The data can be backed up and kept secure in the MIS.

Want to learn more about cloud MIS?

As the first MIS provider in the UK to launch a cloud MIS in 2011, we’re the experts. To find out more about how a cloud-based MIS like Bromcom MIS could benefit your school, book a discovery call with our team.

To learn if you need to swap your server-based MIS to a superior cloud alternative, check out this blog on the signs you should switch now.

Joanna Grimbley-Smith

Joanna Grimbley-Smith