Customer Testimonials

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Customer Rating: 8/10

The Bromcom summary entails appreciating the student record system's comprehensiveness, condensing student details and communication history on a single page. Seamless parent communication through text messages is valued. The inclusion of diverse reports—HP, CAMS, and educational psychologist reports—is highlighted, acknowledging the complexity of students. Transitioning to a digital platform for streamlined organization, integration of various documents, and improved parent engagement is suggested. Data security and customization are emphasized, along with user-friendly interfaces for error reduction. Reporting tools for data insights are recommended. Stakeholder involvement is advised for optimal implementation


Grace Speakman

Acting Head Teacher

Safe Start Education

Customer Rating: 10/10

On a strategic value, with a Power BI integration, all staff at all levels can readily access meaningful reports and meaningful data in order to support their roles. It was a fantastic move as a company to have this built in.

Ian Burns

Information Governance and Strategic ICT Lead

Bader Academy